
The Perfect Loaf 🍞

🍞 The thick, cheesy, pan pizza of your dreams

Published 12 days agoΒ β€’Β 3 min read


Sourdough Detroit-style Pizza

Open my fridge this week, and you'll be greeted by a towering stack of cheeses, a sight that would make even the most dedicated cheesemonger proud.


From fontina to Wisconsin brick to butterkΓ€se (a fav) to all manner of shredded cheddar and mozzarellaβ€”all meticulously sourced, tasted, melted, and tasted again.


Tough job, isn't it? All that cheese-eating. I'm like the royal food taster, except I'm not at court and succession is not on the line. Yes, my goal is very different. Instead of trying to protect the king and queen, I'm searching for just the right blend of tanginess, savoriness, and butteriness.


An important job nonetheless.


All of this cheese talk reminds me of a favorite saying I once heard at a party by a wise and respected food connoisseur:


Everything is better with a pound of cheese on top.

(That's my saying. I just made it up right now. But you'd agree, wouldn't you? If you're unsure, make this pizza, and my newly minted saying will become your favorite, too.)


Let's talk about this new Detroit-style pizza!


In this week's newsletter:

  • Recipe: Detroit-style pizza
  • Recipe: NY-style pizza
  • Recipe: Keep it "lighter": Sourdough babka
  • Recipe: Keep it even lighter: Lemon poppyseed loaf
  • Baking Question: My starter looks dead. Help!
  • Links: Learn how to talk intelligently about cheese

πŸ• Sourdough Detroit-style Pizza

This cheesy slab is everything you want in Detroit-style pizzaβ€”including that ultra-crispy cheese frico crust (the caramelized bits of cheese around the perimeter).


It's a flexible dough based on focaccia-like principles with a few changes to get the toppings and process just right.


But it's also a very flexible recipe. The parbaked crust can be made and used days later or frozen for extended periods.



πŸ• To NY Instead of Detroit

If you're not quite in the mood for a thick, cheesy pie, this NY-style(ish) sourdough pizza for the home oven has you covered.


This pizza is more about restraint and the chewiness of the crustβ€”which I love.


I also talk about several of my favorite sauces and topping combinations, including a spinach + feta that's a fantastic change of pace (and if there's greens it's healthy, right?).



🍞 Sourdough Babka

Let's go to the other end of the spectrum, and instead of savory pizza, let's do something sweet.


I don't mention this babka often or flippantly: this is a serious treat. I personally think it'd be perfect for making this weekend while it's still cool outside. A slice in the cool early summer afternoon or as a future plan for Mother's Day.


Perhaps you need to test it this weekend first. You know, as the royal taste tester of your household, to make sure it's safe for everyone else.



🍞 Tangy Lemon Poppyseed Loaf

An even lighter option is Rebecca's recent lemon poppyseed loaf. In fact, this would make for the perfect after-pizza treat. Just sayin' you can have your cheese and eat it, too.


πŸ’¬ Member Discussion of the Week

I'm following your steps to creating a starter and I saw signs of life after the first few days, but now it looks dead? What's going on?

It’s normal to see a burst of activity in the beginning (possibly with lots of bubbles) only to see a decline the day(s) after. Stick with the starter creation process of feeding and discarding, and it will eventually take hold. That initial activity is most likely a bacteria we don’t want to stick around in the long run. It will eventually die off when the bacteria/yeasts we do want acidify the culture to the point where other bacteria cannot survive.


If your kitchen is cold, try warming the water you’re using to feed your starter. If you have a thermometer, try to get the water around 80Β°F.


Keep at it, and it will eventually come around!

πŸ›Ÿ 2 Ways I Can Help You Today

πŸ“™ What I'm Reading and Watching




Happy baking, y'all!


Maurizio Leo


P.S. Let's see if I can brighten your day πŸ‹

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Thank you for subscribing 🩢. Sent from Maurizio at The Perfect Loaf, 8100 Wyoming Blvd NE Ste M4, #343, Albuquerque, NM 87113.
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The Perfect Loaf 🍞

Maurizio Leo

Want to make bakery-quality sourdough bread from home? Subscribe for the best sourdough guides and recipes to take your bread from ordinary to incredible.

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