
The Perfect Loaf 🍞

🍞 Sourdough during Passover? And cinnamon rolls, focaccia, and more!

Published 13 days agoΒ β€’Β 2 min read


Sourdough during Passover? And cinnamon rolls, focaccia, and more!

We didn't grow up celebrating Passover, but for several of my childhood friends, it was a shift from the usual sandwiches and treats to a different set of foods and activities.


While I may not have fully grasped the intricacies of Passover, I could always appreciate the pivotal role that food played in my friends' religious observance.


It made me realize that food is a universal thread that weaves through our lives, connecting us through shared memories and experiences, whether tied to religious reasons, seasonal availability, or family traditions.


It wasn't until later that I better understood the holidayβ€”but even so, I didn't quite understand its impact and significance. The latest at The Perfect Loaf explains it all. Read on.


And to those who celebrate Passover, have a happy holiday (and be sure to sneak in these sourdough cinnamon rolls this weekend!).


In this week's newsletter:

  • Essay: Exodus and Sourdough During Passover
  • Recipe: Sourdough cinnamon rolls
  • Baking Question: If I can't use my levain when it's ready, can I save it in the fridge?
  • Links: A 4,500-year-old sourdough starter and a small bakery in Nantes, France.

πŸ’‘ Exodus and Sourdough During Passover

Eric Pallant's latest article discusses Passover, its meaning to those who celebrate, and its meaning for sourdough bakers. Is a sourdough starter kosher? What is the meaning of sourdough for Passover?


This is a fascinating look whether you celebrate or not!


πŸŒ€ Sourdough Cinnamon Rolls With Cream Cheese Icing

Delightfully soft with just the right amount of chew, these sourdough cinnamon rolls are a smash hit every time I make them.


You can swap the cream cheese icing for a simple sugar glaze or leave them plain (gasp), but however you like to finish them, they'll all be finished.



🍞 Focaccia Pugliese

I've been working with focaccia-ish dough for the past few weeks to prepare for a new recipe coming soon. And in doing so, I was reminded just how good this focaccia Pugliese is.


I mean, potato in dough, you can't go wrong, right? You'll love these, guaranteed βœ…


πŸ’¬ Member Discussion of the Week

As often in life, plans change, so do my baking plans. What can I do with my overnight levain when I am not able to bake on the appointed day? Could I carry it over to the next day? Should I start afresh and drop that prepared levain? What would you suggest?

When making a levain, I like to use it in the timeframe allotted for its ripening (or close thereabouts). I don't like to use the fridge to "save" it or slow it down because it'll adversely affect the bacteria and yeast we're trying hard to ramp up with that small off-shoot of a build (the levain itself). Instead, I'd make a new one for the best results.

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Until next week, happy baking!


Maurizio Leo

P.S. Focaccia doesn't have to be big and heavy.

​Join me in the member's community, master sourdough, and get baker's perks.

Thank you for subscribing 🩢. Sent from Maurizio at The Perfect Loaf, 8100 Wyoming Blvd NE Ste M4, #343, Albuquerque, NM 87113.
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The Perfect Loaf 🍞

Maurizio Leo

Want to make bakery-quality sourdough bread from home? Subscribe for the best sourdough guides and recipes to take your bread from ordinary to incredible.

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